Virginia Tech

Unknown-1De Datta at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg USA

Dr. De Datta spent 20 years from June 1991 thru Aug. 1, 2011 at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia USA.  During his tenure, he served as Associate Dean for International Agriculture in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Director of OIRED (The Office of International Research, Education and Development), and Associate Provost/Associate Vice President for International Affairs at Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech has been in the forefront of Global Food Security since De Datta joined Virginia Tech in 1991.  During his tenure at Virginia Tech for 20 years, under his leadership Virginia Tech garnered 150million dollars from USAID and other donors.

De Datta with John Dooley (Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs) and some of his other colleagues
De Datta was honored by the International Plant Protection Society for his leadership in Global IPM programs with USAID funding. De Datta with (L to R), Larry Vaughn – Associate Director IPMCRISP, John Dooley (Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs), Muni Muniappan-Program Director IPMCRSP and Miriam Rich- Communication Director OIRED, Virginia Tech at the award ceremony in Honolulu, Hawaii.